1) Dalam keadaan politik yang begitu bercelaru dan tidak setabil ini kita perlu membuat perhitungan yang benar-benar selari dengan kehendak negara. Sebagai sebuah negara yang merangkumi berbilang kaum dan budaya serta kepercayaan agamanya kita perlukan seorang pemimpin yang berfikiran dengan cara yang sesuai dam diterima semua.
2) Lantasan kita tidak boleh menafikan apa yang berlaku kini ialah kerana kepimpinan yang kurang matang dan kurang pedoman untuk mentadbir negara mengikut acuan yang sepatutnya.
3) Presiden UMNO yang dipilih selama ini mengikut ‘conventionnya’ menjadi Perdana Menteri, maka sudah menjadi kemestian UMNO mesti memilih Presiden yang boleh bukan sahaja memimpin UMNO tetapi memimpin semua rakyat berbilang kaum tetapi sejak pentadbiran Dr Mahathir negara tidak ada lagi kepimpinan yang viable kerana beliau (Dr Mahathir) telah mengenepikan semua pemimpin berkelibar disisinya. Selepas era Dr Mahathir negara menghadapi kekosongan kepimpinan hinggalah kehari ini.
4) Daripada awalnya UMNO tidak mempunyai masalah untuk menunjolkan pemimpin yang berkemampuan kerana Tunku Abdul Rahman memang dari awal lagi sudah ada pengganti beliau yang bertenaga bkan sahaja untuk memimpin tetapi untuk memenuhi aspirasi rakyat berbilang kaum sambil memenuhi keperluan setiap kaum dalam mencapai keharmonian hidup diantara satu dengan yang lain.
5) Dibawah pentadbiran Tun Razak itu kita mengalami situasi yang mana rakyat merasakan bagaimana hampirnya hati dan nurani seorang pemimpin kepada mereka kerana mereka melihat bagaimana Tun Razak berkorban segala-galanya untuk mereka.
6) Segala dasar dan perlaksanaannya dikawal rapid dan sempurna semata-mata untuk mempastikan rakyat benar-benar merasakan nikmat kehidupan bernegara dibawah pimpinan beliau. Semasa pentadbiran beliaulah asas kemakmuran negara mula berputik. Walaupun beliau bukan seorang ekonomis dan teknorat tetapi beliau bijak melakukan sesuatu untuk melakukan usaha yang memerlukan kepakaran teknorat dan professionalisma.
7) Beliau dari awal telah membawa kepesada politik tanahair seorang teknokrat yang bernama Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (TRH) dan dari awal enam puluhan Tunku dan Tun Razak telah mendidik dan menaruhkan harapan masa depan negara untuk membina asas ekonomi negara yang kukuh untuk jangka masa panjang kepada anak Raja yang berjiwa rakyat ini.
8) Sebagai ketua parti UMNO yang berjuang untuk bangsanya Tun Razak hanya perlu menzahirkan pemikiran untuk membentuk dasar kerajaan dan apabila dasar itu dipersetujui beliau terus sahaja meminta pemimpin yang berkemampuan untuk melaksanakan dasar yang beliau telah luluskan untuk dilaksanakan.
9) Maka pilihan beliau ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (TRH) yang juga mempunyai sifat kasihkan rakyat yang sepenuhnya. TRH telah diamanahkan untuk menubuhkan serta membina Syarikat Petrolium Nasional dan TRH telah menyediakan segala asas industri petroleum negara dengan mempastikan ianya dinikmati oleh rakyat yang empunya kekayaan petroleum tersebut.
10) Usaha TRH menubuhkan PETRONAS ini merupakan kesenambungan kepada kepada pengorbanan beliau bekerja tanpa dibayar gaji dan imbuhan kewangan dan segala-galanya dilakukan beliau secara percuma. Sebelum itu beliau telah diarahkan untuk membina PERNAS serta Bank Bumiputra juga tanpa bayaran dan imbuhan walau sedikit pun.
11) TRH terpaksa menolak permintaan Tun Razak untuk menyertai Kabinet Persekutuan kerana ingin menumpukan masa dan tenaga untuk mempastikan PETRONAS diurus dan indusri petroleum negara diselengara dengan baik walaupun beliau dalam masa yang sama adalah Naib Presiden UMNO.
12) Untuk memberikan penghormatan kepada anak muda ini semasa itu Tun Razak telah menjadikan TRH sebagai Pengerusi PETRONAS yang bertaraf Menteri.
13) Beliau hanya menyertai Kabinet semasa Husein Onn mengambil alih tampuk Kerajaan setelah pemergian Tun Razak kerahmatullah pada Januari 1976 dan semasa menjadi Menteri Kewangan itu TRH telah membentuk dasar serta perlaksanaannya dengan begitu pesat yang kesemuanya dipantau oleh ICU (Implementation coordination unit) dijabatan Perdana Menteri.
14)TRH yang begitu ‘engrossed’ dengan perlaksanaan DEB, menumpukan sepenuh masa untuk menyaksikan process ‘re-engineering’ struktur ekonomi negara sebagai yang dikehendakki oleh DEB memahami sepenuhnya masalah-masalah yang wujud terutamanya dikalangan arang Melayu dan Bumiputra yang masih jauh ketinggalan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan
15) TRH telah menubuhkan bermacam-macam agensi yang menjadi pemegang amanah kepada orang Melayu dan Bumiputra dan dalam masa yang sama TRH ingin melihat segala kekayaan yang dipegang oleh agensi-agensi amanah ini kepada orang Melayu dan Bumiputra.
16) Tetapi jika diberikan secara terus kelemahan Bumiputra dalam bidang ini memungkinkan harta serta saham-saham yang diberikan itu dijual dipasaran dan akan gagallah usaha untuk membina orang Melayu dan Bumiputra untuk berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah dengan kaum-kaum bukan Bumiputra dalam pemegangan kekayaan ini.
17) Untuk penyelesaiannya beliau bersama-sama dengan rakan-rakan didalam Jawantankuasa Penyelaras Pelaburan Kabinet (JPP) yang bersama-sama dianggotai oleh Abdul Manan, Othman dan beberapa Ahli Jemaah Kabinet semasa itu telah menubukan Permodalan Nasioanal Berhad (PNB) dengan sebuah lagi syarikat pengurus saham amanah yang dinamakan Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB).
18) TRH telah membuat perancangan rapi dalam dalam process memindahkan harta kekayaan kepada Bumiputra secara terus maka segala syarikat-syarikat yang berdaya maju yang dipegang oleh kerajaan telah dipindahkan kePNB dan PNB seterusnya telah memindahkan kepada ASNB untuk dipecah-pecah kepada bentuk Saham Amanah dan dimasukkan kedalam potfolio yang besar iaitu Sekim Amanah Saham dan diurus dan di tadbir oleh ASNB.
19) Apabila pelancaran Sekimitu dilakukan orang Melayu dan Bumiputra yang berkelayakkan telah menikmati keuntungan dan rami telah melakukan ‘redemption dan meraih keuntungan besar oleh rakyat jelata secara terus.
20) Penjualan balik unit-unit ini untuk meraih keuntungan tidak menjejaskan pegangan Bumiputra disektor syarikat kerana unit-unit tersebut dijual kepada ASNB. Itulah sebabnya TRH merupakan seorang ‘master planner’ bagi menjayakan usaha membina Bumiputra untuk keluar dari kepompong kehidupan yang ‘conventional’ kepada cara penghidupan moden seperti yang diarah oleh Tun Razak untuk beliau lakukan.
21) Jika dilihat TRH merupakan seorang teknokrat yang berupaya membina bangsanya serta tidak mengabaikan bangsa-bangsa lain begi menuju kearah penghidupan yang bergerak maju tanpa meninggalkan nilai-nilai mualia yang menjadi ‘attribute’ kepada bangsa Melayu yang memerlukan [embelaan.
22) Apa-apa yang dilakukan oleh TRH sentiasa ada nilai murni kehidupan manusia yang bermentalitikan pemikiran Melayu yang dihormati dan beliau tidak pernah dan bersetuju untuk melakukan sesuatu yang boleh menghilangkan identiti Melayu yang sebenar.
23) Semasa beliau diberikan tanggung jawab untuk membina asas ekonomi negara penglebaran kelas menegah dikalangan orang Melayu amat nyata kerana TRH mempercayai jika komponen penduduk yang mempunyai kelas mengah yang besar maka negara itu akan mengami kesetabilan dalam semua bidang kenegaraan.
24) Malangnya kecemerlangan TRH dalam membina negara rupa-rupanya dicemburui oleh setngah pemimpin UMNO yang hanya pandai bercakap dan bermain politik peribadi.
25) Hasilnya TRH telah diketepikan dengan begitu sistematik oleh pihak-pihak yang mempunayai perasaan rendah diri yang hanya mampu untuk membunuh karier politik pemimpin teknokrat yang amat diperlukan negara.
26) Kumpulan yang cemburukan kejayaan TRH telah dalam senyap-senyap mencari jalan untuk melakukan ‘circumvention’ terhadap kemajuan TRH secara politik yang amat ternoda.
27) Teringat pula kepada satu kata-kata hikamah dalam bahasa Inggeris. ‘When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him’
28) Tetapi apa pun yang telah dilakukan secara kotor kepada TRH, beliau tetap menjadi insan yang bernilai kepada negara dan dalam keadaan negara yang berkecamuk dengan kemelut politik, ekonomi dan isu kenegaraan inasan yang bernama Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah tetap unggul berdiri dan duduk lebih tinggi dari semua pemimpin yang sedang menerajui sebuah negara yang dalam kegeringan ini.
29) Penulis tetap yakin hanya TRH seorang yang masih hidup dengan tahap kesihatan yang baik mampu untuk menjadi resepi kepada negara yang maju dan setabil
30) ‘Now he stands tall over everybody and he is just fitting in to the actual need of the currently sick nation.’
Salam sejahtera untuk semua.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Advertising Political Desperation
The advert arranged by the Ministry of In formation, communication and culture last weekend in the Malay mainstream media was all out to barricade and deny the truth given by T Razaleigh about the issue of Royalty is seen and perceived to be an act of desperate politics.
On this issue one can glaringly observe the disparity of mental capacity and the purity as well as the magnanimity of TR and other BN leaders especially from UMNO dogmatic assertive stock.
We see the world of difference; TR is seen to be having the heart for the people, just like his mentor, the late Tun Razak, while on contrary the other UMNO leaders are more focused on personal politics and an actual disposition of UMNO desperation.
UMNO leaders like Rais Yatim are bluffing in the open and that is an actual attribute of UMNO and it is more obvious now when UMNO is meandering towards disaster in finality.
It is interesting episode as day by day and week by week UMNI is displaying its weaknesses too latent and just wait for another month or so the party is going to fumble one after another as their leaders are now in total blindness.
This issue is not small. It is very closely intertwined with the moral and legal constituents and it is going to shape a new political contours.
The silliness of these UMNO court jesters in handling issues like this is too apparent and it corrodes and erodes the basic fabrics of spirit of the Federation and constitution of the Federation.
Let us not too detail about the vesting agreement as a lower secondary pupil can easily consume it, or maybe don’t talk about it at all as everyone is already literate in this country.
The despicable act by Rais Yatim is unacceptable for Malaysian who has a bit of grey matter.
Let us ask Rais openly; does he has the impression that all of us here are like monkeys.
Does he know that he is prostituting the basic intelligence of ordinary men and women on the street?
For all intent and purpose he can fly kites in Jelebu. One just fails to comprehend why Najib is still putting him in the Cabinet lineup.
He is a court jester and he is fit to be sitting side by side with the PERKASA president.
As TR has always been with the heart for ordinary Malaysian of all walks of the community, he is just the answer for all Malaysian to put in the bet for glorious Malaysia.
He has all the recipes for a trustworthy leader. I pray for him to be able to come out to rescue all untidiness that the nation is seriously confronting at the moment.
Thank you
On this issue one can glaringly observe the disparity of mental capacity and the purity as well as the magnanimity of TR and other BN leaders especially from UMNO dogmatic assertive stock.
We see the world of difference; TR is seen to be having the heart for the people, just like his mentor, the late Tun Razak, while on contrary the other UMNO leaders are more focused on personal politics and an actual disposition of UMNO desperation.
UMNO leaders like Rais Yatim are bluffing in the open and that is an actual attribute of UMNO and it is more obvious now when UMNO is meandering towards disaster in finality.
It is interesting episode as day by day and week by week UMNI is displaying its weaknesses too latent and just wait for another month or so the party is going to fumble one after another as their leaders are now in total blindness.
This issue is not small. It is very closely intertwined with the moral and legal constituents and it is going to shape a new political contours.
The silliness of these UMNO court jesters in handling issues like this is too apparent and it corrodes and erodes the basic fabrics of spirit of the Federation and constitution of the Federation.
Let us not too detail about the vesting agreement as a lower secondary pupil can easily consume it, or maybe don’t talk about it at all as everyone is already literate in this country.
The despicable act by Rais Yatim is unacceptable for Malaysian who has a bit of grey matter.
Let us ask Rais openly; does he has the impression that all of us here are like monkeys.
Does he know that he is prostituting the basic intelligence of ordinary men and women on the street?
For all intent and purpose he can fly kites in Jelebu. One just fails to comprehend why Najib is still putting him in the Cabinet lineup.
He is a court jester and he is fit to be sitting side by side with the PERKASA president.
As TR has always been with the heart for ordinary Malaysian of all walks of the community, he is just the answer for all Malaysian to put in the bet for glorious Malaysia.
He has all the recipes for a trustworthy leader. I pray for him to be able to come out to rescue all untidiness that the nation is seriously confronting at the moment.
Thank you
Thursday, February 18, 2010
In search of a leader for all
Malaysian needs a new, natural and real leadership to totally overhaul and to refurbish the nation, failing which the imminent chaotic political station will be in this country.
What Malaysian need are fresh outlook, fresh political ambience, rejuvenated economic planning and more importantly to refresh the international standing which Malaysia has been dragged to the bin.
The Malays, the Chinese and the Indian, the 3 major races inhibiting the Malaysian Peninsula are in real chronic political charade which no one has ever expected to happen in this sovereign land of the Malaysian.
There seems to be no leaders for all the races which in one way or another aligned to their respective racial based parties.
For all intent and purposes Malay should be the leader if we were to look and read the spirit of the Federal Constitution even though there is nothing to read along that line.
But all Malaysian has to take this as the first ingredient for National Unity and the development of Malaysia as a nation….a viable Malay has to be the leader number 1.
If we are to base our choice through our normal convention that the President of UMNO has to be the leader, then it will be problematic exercise as no one in the line up is suitably fit to take this serious mantle.
UMNO is no more a party which trains and produces suitable, appropriate and likeable leadership, like what it was under the first 3 Prime Ministers (The Tunku, Razak and Husein) when preparing of trustworthy leadership of the future was the very main agenda of UMNO.
UMNO leadership then changed hands without compunction and UMNO’s choice was always fit to take on the leadership of other races via their respective racial based party and caucuses.
Mahathir miserably failed to the nucleus in preparing for good succession for the party, as he switched the focus of playing politics for his personal whims and fancies.
All he cared was taking undeserving to be within his ruling circles; as long as they remain blindly loyal to him they can remain in the lineup with immunity insulating criminal acts by his cronies.
He inherited weak and hollow leadership without holistic direction and subsequently we witness the collapse of all democratic institutions and now we are suffering from the crisis of confidence and identity.
The same outlook is seen in all BN component and their leaders are well below the par of their leaders like lee San Choon and his predecessors. As from Ling Leong Sik’s leadership MCA has now becoming visibly non consequential.
Gerakkan and MIC are the other parties which are phasing out into void.
On the other side of the divide no one can prevail and triumph through as a natural leader of all races and differences. The leadership scarcity prevails in every BN components as all the good and doable has been ostracized by their patronizing leadership.
DAP and PAS have reasonable set of leadership but the good image of leadership is just good at their party levels. UMNO too has that problem as the leaders are just meant for their party and unlike before the leader of today is just leaders for the UMNO.
This salient point is slowly realized and that is the very reason why Tengku Razaleigh is apparently seen as the alternative leader for all Malaysian and to name any other figure to deny this truth is crudely a concoction with fabricated views of pretentious mind set.
This prince had been tailored to take on the mantle by the late Tun Razak as he has a natural inbuilt leadership in him and was too expedient choice of Tun Razak.
Tun Razak made it clear and latent that he was focused for the future of the nation he built with the rest of the founding fore fathers.
He needed the perpetuity of good and honest leadership to be in successions of the Malaysian and Malay leadership and TR was one of his definite candidates.
Tun has identified TR as the main person to lead this nation as he saw TR was already giving personal soul to the nation right from his younger days and as a technocrat, he was seen to be the fittest.
I think this maiden write up terminates at this point. But before that let us see around: there is no one else left for this national responsibility.
Tengku Razaleigh is the only living figure with the rounded capacity that other Malay leaders don’t have to-date.
TR is a perfect gentleman and has the heart for his nation. Time Magazine used to say, ‘had this prince was a little bit less gentleman he would have been the Prime Minister long time ago’.
The country should own TR and Malaysian is going to miss the feel of a real nation to live in if we miss him to be our leader for that badly looked-for changes.
I know if he takes up the leadership we are truly setting in for a very impressionable progress in its real sense and resolve all the encumbrances that have been circumventing us for a progressive nation.
Thank you.
What Malaysian need are fresh outlook, fresh political ambience, rejuvenated economic planning and more importantly to refresh the international standing which Malaysia has been dragged to the bin.
The Malays, the Chinese and the Indian, the 3 major races inhibiting the Malaysian Peninsula are in real chronic political charade which no one has ever expected to happen in this sovereign land of the Malaysian.
There seems to be no leaders for all the races which in one way or another aligned to their respective racial based parties.
For all intent and purposes Malay should be the leader if we were to look and read the spirit of the Federal Constitution even though there is nothing to read along that line.
But all Malaysian has to take this as the first ingredient for National Unity and the development of Malaysia as a nation….a viable Malay has to be the leader number 1.
If we are to base our choice through our normal convention that the President of UMNO has to be the leader, then it will be problematic exercise as no one in the line up is suitably fit to take this serious mantle.
UMNO is no more a party which trains and produces suitable, appropriate and likeable leadership, like what it was under the first 3 Prime Ministers (The Tunku, Razak and Husein) when preparing of trustworthy leadership of the future was the very main agenda of UMNO.
UMNO leadership then changed hands without compunction and UMNO’s choice was always fit to take on the leadership of other races via their respective racial based party and caucuses.
Mahathir miserably failed to the nucleus in preparing for good succession for the party, as he switched the focus of playing politics for his personal whims and fancies.
All he cared was taking undeserving to be within his ruling circles; as long as they remain blindly loyal to him they can remain in the lineup with immunity insulating criminal acts by his cronies.
He inherited weak and hollow leadership without holistic direction and subsequently we witness the collapse of all democratic institutions and now we are suffering from the crisis of confidence and identity.
The same outlook is seen in all BN component and their leaders are well below the par of their leaders like lee San Choon and his predecessors. As from Ling Leong Sik’s leadership MCA has now becoming visibly non consequential.
Gerakkan and MIC are the other parties which are phasing out into void.
On the other side of the divide no one can prevail and triumph through as a natural leader of all races and differences. The leadership scarcity prevails in every BN components as all the good and doable has been ostracized by their patronizing leadership.
DAP and PAS have reasonable set of leadership but the good image of leadership is just good at their party levels. UMNO too has that problem as the leaders are just meant for their party and unlike before the leader of today is just leaders for the UMNO.
This salient point is slowly realized and that is the very reason why Tengku Razaleigh is apparently seen as the alternative leader for all Malaysian and to name any other figure to deny this truth is crudely a concoction with fabricated views of pretentious mind set.
This prince had been tailored to take on the mantle by the late Tun Razak as he has a natural inbuilt leadership in him and was too expedient choice of Tun Razak.
Tun Razak made it clear and latent that he was focused for the future of the nation he built with the rest of the founding fore fathers.
He needed the perpetuity of good and honest leadership to be in successions of the Malaysian and Malay leadership and TR was one of his definite candidates.
Tun has identified TR as the main person to lead this nation as he saw TR was already giving personal soul to the nation right from his younger days and as a technocrat, he was seen to be the fittest.
I think this maiden write up terminates at this point. But before that let us see around: there is no one else left for this national responsibility.
Tengku Razaleigh is the only living figure with the rounded capacity that other Malay leaders don’t have to-date.
TR is a perfect gentleman and has the heart for his nation. Time Magazine used to say, ‘had this prince was a little bit less gentleman he would have been the Prime Minister long time ago’.
The country should own TR and Malaysian is going to miss the feel of a real nation to live in if we miss him to be our leader for that badly looked-for changes.
I know if he takes up the leadership we are truly setting in for a very impressionable progress in its real sense and resolve all the encumbrances that have been circumventing us for a progressive nation.
Thank you.
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